Friday, January 18, 2013


On Christmas Eve, I added a new member to my family. His name is Humphrey and he is the most adorable rabbit.  He's extremely curious, and loves our other rabbit, Snowball. She is also adorable.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Great news!

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been posting, life has been a bit hectic lately. I had a job interview recently, and they offered me the job. Oh, but it get's ever better. :) Ryan has an interview soon too! This may not seem like much to anyone else, but it means that he and I might be able to afford to get married. (A big part of why we aren't engaged yet is that we could make rent.) So I'm very excited for the impending schedule conflicts that will come with me working and Ry working 2 jobs.

Alright, next topic. Hair. I have gone 3 months and 2 days without using a flat iron or other hair products. It's actually been awesome. I use the Yes To Blueberries hair regimen and pretty much just let my hair do its thing. Off topic for a second, I have always had really dry itchy skin, that is until about a week ago when I discovered the Yes To cucumbers calming shower gel. It really makes a difference in my skin, I don't scratch much at all, and it gets better everyday. Also, since it's made with green tea, it's great in the morning when you need to wake up a bit. Anyhoo, My hair is a lot less frizzy and poofy. I'm actually becoming quite happy with it.

And my finger is all healed up from that incident with the box cutter...well, minus the scar :/

So yea, until next time...

Friday, December 21, 2012

Box cutters....

I think I've met a new enemy...Box Cutters. I was working on a hollow book for my love last night when suddenly, the box cutter I was using caught on the paper and slid bad at me...It was not fun at 2am. Now, I'm a big wimp, so I didn't want to go to the ER for it. It probably could have been sewn up, but I don't like needles, so I'm just keeping it held together until it heals. it already looks a lot better.

Clearly going to leave a scar, but hey, its a finger, Oh Well. And yes, I said it looks much better now and it looks like that. I probably should have gone to the ER, but its too late now, I just have to watch for infection and keep it covered and clean.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

62 days.

I have gone 62 days without using damaging hair products or heat styling my hair. That may not seem like much, but that's 2 months. I'm 1/6 of the way done with this challenge,and doing great. My boyfriend is happy, because he loves my curly hair, and I'm happy because I'm starting to like my natural hair. 62 days is still only the beginning, but I'm happy with how it's been thus far.
This is my I'm-very-tired-I've-been-baking-cookies-all-day face

My hair is less frizz and poof and more pretty curls, and I'm hoping as it grows it'll look even better.

Friday, December 7, 2012


Last night I took a CPR class. I thought "Alright shouldn't be took bad, yea, it might be a bit harder for me than the other people taking it because of my size and lack of experience, but oh well, I'll get it" I thought wrong. Yes, I got it after the third try, and I passed the class and got the certification, but my instructor made jokes about me the entire time. I could handle the jokes about my choice in career, or the ones about my last name, but he made fun of my WEIGHT.

Clearly I'm not fat, so I should be fine with people saying things about my weight, right? Wrong. It hurts just as much to be call "A walking stick figure" or "Olive Oil" (Yes, like the Popeye Character) I weigh 115 pounds. I'm finally in the healthy weight for my age and height.

I was on the brink of tears the entire class, and I'm hoping when I have to take it again, that he isn't anywhere nearby. I was so hurt because I was anorexic for 3 years. I'm still in recovery and have trouble making sure I eat often enough. 

So, to anyone who has ever told someone else to "Go eat a cheeseburger", it hurts. and to anyone who has been judged for their weight in anyway, don't let them get you down, stay strong.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I've been depressed since I was 12.  I wasn't diagnosed officially until this past February, meaning, I couldn't really get help before then.  I officially stopped cutting forever on 10/2/12. I was the queen of "I'm fine" and fake smiles. I hardly talked to anyone, it took so much effort to do anything. I didn't want to eat or move from my bed. I did horribly in school, didn't care about anything.

I still struggle with it, but I don't self harm anymore and I don't want to die. I force myself to move forward and keep pushing on with my life. I want to help other people who are struggling. I want to go to college and study psychology so I can open a center for people who can't get the help they need.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Cute right?

So, its been a while since I've posted, but it has been crazy lately. I'm still working on the posts I blogged about before, and a few more. So those should be done in the next week.

Like I said this past week or 2 has been crazy. I've had 2 Thanksgivings, a Christmas tree lighting, and I'm working on Christmas gifts.

But that's all I'm going to say about it. This post is actually about unflattering pictures. People have a habit of taking the worst pictures of me and posting them on facebook, so here's a few, maybe you'll laugh maybe you'll think about how there's a similar one of you posted somewhere by a lovely friend or family member.

Getting food with your eyes closed is cute right?

And a clarinet sticking out of my head.

Yes, those are Hannah Montana band aids.



"Who's taking a picture now?" basically every 5 seconds of prom pictures.


My awkward forced smile.

Yea, there's just a few, Ryan won't let me untag myself anymore...